Wicked Fate by Tabatha Vargo

She always knew she was different, and could even be dangers to other people. Mage McPherson spent the first 16 years of her life avoiding people, and being an outsider in a small town. As her moods change, so does the weather. But when a boy named Adam coming into her life weirder things start to happen all the time. Flowers blooming, broken things being fixed, and the weather is brighter than it has been. But when her grandfather passes away, Mage’s life becomes a race to save her and Adam. Mage races to find the mother she never meet, to find how to get her “eye” back and avoid the disaster that is sure to come. Little did she know that a little family reunion was going to be deadly for one of them.

                I give this book 4 ½ stars out of 5. Tabatha keeps the reader half in the dark about the secrets of Mage McPherson, keeping the reader on edge the whole time. Even when the reader knows everything there is always something more for the reader to discover about Mage, her grandfather, Adam and even the ghosts that are present throughout the book. Tabatha develops a whole world for the reader, and leaves plenty of that world for the next book, 

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