
                Cailin is a young pixi who has gotten herself into a lot of trouble because she wants to be herself and not hide behind a mask. A human, Teague, is in desperate need of help as an accident has left Teague forever in the darkness.  Cailin is sentenced to help and live with Teague for a year, instead of going to the darkness. As they grow to become friends, they learn to trust each other and truly care for each other. Cailin learns what it means to be a pixi and Teague learns about himself and what it truly means to be happy.

                I give this book 4 stars out of 5. I say this because I found myself highly involved in the book, even lost in the world that C.E Wilson painted. I found that she develops Cailin and Teague in a way that gives the reader an understanding of the person, but has the reader questioning what has happened in the past as other characters get involved in the story. I would have liked for more descriptions on where Cailin lived, and what her sisters looked like. But I have a feeling that these are answered in the books to come. I loved the mystery of Cailin’s father and mother as C.E. Wilson hints to their children paying the price of their crime. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy as it is well written, ORIGINAL, and a fast read. I finished it in about a week of light reading. 

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