Have you ever chosen between Ice cream and Candy? I know my friends would call this choice a fat person problem. But As I read Gray Eyes my mind wondered to what my friends would call the choice between two people, one destined to die but only Ana can decide who lives by her choices. With out her memory she is left confused as to why she is drown to a total stranger named Tristan. Little does she know shes not what she though, or who she though. With unexpected help from a Dr, her mother and the enemy next door Ana trys her best to help her haven but only makes a mess as her unknown, dark secret is discovered. As shes put on trail her real friends and true family will stick with her as she discovers herself and much, much more.  
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. I say this because the whole book paints a picture that I feel havn’t been painted before. A normal girl, a witch, an angel, who is this girl? I feel like the reader is carried with Ana as she moves through life, learning what she learns, and almost feeling her pain as she is unsure of life. After losing her mom, her mom coming back and everything going on in her head the author shows how Ana feels and plays on the normal fears of humans. Losing a loved one, unsure of what happened to them and the hope that comes form getting them back. This fear kept me reading the book. I could tell you about the second book Brown Eyes, but I havn’t finished it yet. 
Happy Reading!! 

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